Win a Recaro Monza Nova Booster seat worth R5700 (plus a review)

A couple of weeks ago I chatted to you about our road trip to Gariep and how I was a little anxious about the long journey. The amazing people from SproutAbilityRecaro SA and #CarseatFullstop came to our rescue by ensuring a comfortable and safe ride for our girls thanks to RECARO Monza Nova Seatfix.

Our thoughts on the Recaro Monza Nova Seatfix Booster Seat

Win a Recaro Monza Nova Booster seat worth R5700 (+ a review)

Who is RECARO?

A name that has become a benchmark, a synonym for quality, a symbol for value, a mark of trust, and a note for luxury in its purest form. RECARO has been the world’s most renowned seat maker for over 100 years.

The company’s mission statement – 

“we want to be the best, in the development, production and distribution of premium, complete seat systems and specialists when it comes to ergonomics, styling, quality, safety and innovation” 

SproutAbility gave us two Recaro Monza Nova Seatfix seats to use for the trip. What makes these seats so great, you ask? How much time do you have? ;)

‘RECARO Monza Nova Seatfix – safe driving pleasure in sporty design’

First thing to take note of is the fact that these seats can be used in vehicles with or without Isofix mounting points. I think that’s great especially if the seat is used in more than one car. Also, the seat isn’t as heavy as many others I’ve had to move around in the past. My back thanks you RECARO.

The RECARO Monza Nova Seatfix is suitable for children weighing 15 to 36 kgs and secures the child with the car’s own three-point belt.

If you are still unsure about why using only the seat belt to secure your child is not adequate and why a booster seat is a necessity, please listen up…

Seat belts are designed for adults! A properly used booster seat will position the seat belt in the correct places on a growing body. The seat belt should fit solid over the shoulder and chest and low on the hips. An ill-fitting seat belt can cut into your child’s throat, cause serious injuries to internal organs, damage the spine… I think you get the gist.

Recaro Monza Nova Seatfix Booster seat

A big plus of the RECARO Monza Nova Seatfix Booster Seat is the fact that the position of the seat belt over the shoulder can be perfectly placed because of the adjustable headrest. One of our biggest issues with Cara’s old seat was the seat belt that dug into her neck. The Monza Nova headrest has 11 different adjustable positions.

Recaro Monza Nova

One of the coolest features of this seat, is the RECARO Sound System. Yes, you read that right! The seat features integrated loudspeakers (nominal impedance 8 Ohm, nominal load capacity 0.25 W, peak load capacity 0.50 W.) in the headrest which means that your kid can enjoy music, games or a movie on the go. Seriously, it’s so awesome!

Recaro Monza Nova adjustable head rest

The headrest can also be adjusted in depth enabling a safe sleeping position as your child’s head won’t fall forward and leave the protective headrest area.

More fabulous features:

  • The fixed armrest provides extra protection in the hip area in case of a side impact
  • The special side impact protection system ASP (Advanced Side Protection)
  • The unique, passive RECARO Air Circulation System ACS (for optimum air circulation)
  • High-quality coverings: all covers are removable and suitable for machine wash on cold

I truly don’t have anything negative to say about this booster. Cara is so happy with her seat and she hasn’t complained about being strapped in once. Happy Cara = happy mom.

Win a Recaro Monza Nova Booster Seat worth R5700

Do you want a Recaro Monza Nova Seatfix Booster Seat? YES YOU DO! And thanks to SproutAbility and Recaro SA you stand a chance to win the gorgeous grey one shown in the post! Enter via the Rafflecopter below and keep your fingers crossed!

Terms and Conditions:

  • All entries will be verified.
  • The giveaway is open to SA residents only.
  • Giveaway entrants are not obligated to like any Facebook pages, but it would be appreciated.
  • The Sponsor will send the prize to the winner directly.

Safe travels!


135 Replies to “Win a Recaro Monza Nova Booster seat worth R5700 (plus a review)”

  1. The headrest can also be adjusted in depth enabling a safe sleeping position as your child’s head won’t fall forward and leave the protective headrest area.

  2. what an awesome giveaway, my son love looking out the window whilst we driving to see all thats happening around him, he sits on a booster chair which i got from a colleague of mine as i was not by the means to buy him a car seat. This would be an absolute blessing.

  3. the Feature i love is- RECARO Monza Nova Seatfix is suitable for children weighing 15 to 36 kgs and secures the child with the car’s own three-point belt.

  4. I love the fact it can be used with and without isofix – my car doesn’t have isofix and my husbands does so it makes sharing car seats between the cars easier! … also LOVE that it comes in pink – my daughters are both pink girls deluxe!!!! holding fingers

  5. A built in sound system! Seriously. How cool is that.

    I’m so glad the industry is waking up to the improtance of good quality car seats and actually making an effort to give us good options.
    Love this seat.

  6. After reading the above, I would set have to say the best feature for me would be the fit of the seat belt.
    Both my kids hate the seat belt as they claim it is cutting them. This seat would give me piece of mind while driving as my child would be comfortable and safe.

  7. The fixed armrest provides extra protection in the hip area in case of a side impact
    The special side impact protection system ASP (Advanced Side Protection)
    The unique, passive RECARO Air Circulation System ACS (for optimum air circulation)
    High-quality coverings: all covers are removable and suitable for machine wash on cold Then I would have to say the awesome sound system I could just hear my nephew singing every praise to our God at the top of his voice. This would be a true blessing.

  8. I love that the Recaro Monza Nova Booster seat has an adjustable headrest, which means that the seat belt can be positioned perfectly over the child’s shoulder, resulting in a comfortable fit.

  9. I love that the headrest can be adjusted in depth enabling a safe sleeping position, so that my baby boy’s head won’t fall forward and leave the protective headrest area, especially since he always falls asleep in the car! 💜

  10. My favorite feature is the fixed armrest provides extra protection in the hip area in case of a side impact. Always great to know your child is protected in an accident

  11. My favourite feature of the Recaro Monza Nova Seatfix Booster Seat is the unique, passive RECARO Air Circulation System ACS (for optimum air circulation)

  12. Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful prize, the features are amazing my favourite is : The special side impact protection system.

    The safety and comfort features are incredible I am sharing this with all my mommy friends thank you for the introduction to this Carseat

  13. Would love to win this amazing car seat! Safety comes first in our lives and our little girl who turned 4 years old today really needs a bigger car seat. This would be such a blessing!

  14. Love that you can recline the headrest to a safe sleeping position! When my four year-old falls asleep in her car seat her head always falls forward!!

  15. Love the integrated speakers. Would be perfect for our family of 3 boys who always struggle sharing music in the car. The seat would also be the perfect addition to our current RECARO car seat collection of Young Profi Plus, ProRide and Young Sport!

  16. The unique, passive RECARO Air Circulation System ACS stood out for me because my daughter always gets hot and sweaty when sitting in car seats

  17. The built-in speaker sounds great, so that everybody in the car doesn’t have to listen to the same stories over and over and over again…

  18. The fact that these seats can be used in vehicles with or without Isofix mounting points. This is a major plus point for us babysitting aunts

  19. I love the fact that the head rests adjust and that if my 6 year old falls asleep her head will still be protected! I love that the seats look cozy and cushioned! And of course the added advantage of the speakers in the head rests!

  20. I love that you can adjust the seat to best protect your child. My son in almost 4 but very skinny (14kg) so I have bought about 3 seats to try and find one that fits perfect. #FingersCrossed

  21. Everything about these carseats sound amazing but I especially like the special side impact protection system AND also the fact that my kiddo won’t outgrow the seat seeing that they go up to 36kg (wow)…

  22. Recaro Monza Nova Seatfix Booster Seat is just what I need! I love how comfortable it looks and the padding seems to be perfect for the bigger kids. Having a tall 8 year old makes sitting in her traditional booster super uncomfortable for her (she is still in the weight class, but her current seat is just not “wide” enough for her shoulders).

  23. Yay for machine washable covers! And built in speakers, wow. Recaro is such a well respected brand, I would live to get my daughter into one.

  24. I love everything about the Recaro Monza Nova, but especially the fact that it my daughter (5y10m) will fit much better in this booster because of the adjustability of the headrest. With her current seat we have the same problem as mentioned in the blog… The seatbelt sits too close to her neck, so we are in desperate need of a suitable booster seat, and it seems like the Recaro Monza Nova will be a saving (pun intended) grace for my precious baby girl…ooh and it comes in our favourite colour too 😍

  25. Woow😱😱 .. where do I.START?? Soo many features of this car seat that I looove😍😍😍.. The headrest no1 gas side impact protection🎉🎉.My PRINCESS Hanaah loooves music lol when she hears music she starts dancing 😁😁 .. the cover is removable👌👌 Toddlers are messy. .soo you can clean it. The seat has 11 adjustable positions. Thank you for giving your followers the oppertunity tp ENTER this GIVEAWAY ..God bless your Soul 😘❤❤🍸🍸🎉

  26. My favourite feature is
    the Monza Nova headrest which has different adjustable positions and I can find the most suitable and comfortable one , no need to stress over neck strain which is always a great concern.

    A wonderful giveaway thank you for the opportunity to win will certainly appreciate this.

  27. A big plus of the RECARO Monza Nova Seatfix Booster Seat is the fact that the position of the seat belt over the shoulder can be perfectly placed because of the adjustable headrest.

  28. Favourite feature has to be that the headrest can be adjusted in depth enabling a safe sleeping position as your child’s head. I am always so worried about my kiddies necks on a long trip, their heads drop so uncomfortably forward.

  29. We’ve bought the Recaro Young Sport a couple of years ago for our boy. It is the absolute best car seat that we’ve ever owned. We travel often and it gives us peace of mind to know that he is safe in his Recaro. Little sis is just about ready to move to a bigger car seat – and it will be perfect timing if we won the the REcaro Monza Nova for our guy – Big bro will love the additional features – especially the sound system!! No more listening to sis singing nursery rhymes!

  30. Such a great giveaway. My boy has only had second hand car chairs since birth so this would be such a spoil for him. Love the side impact protection that the older chairs don’t have

  31. Oh my gosh… we’ve been looking at car seats ahead of our daughter’s impending arrival in Feb and, though she’ll be too small for this initially, it looks like a perfect long-term solution for her car safety!

  32. *cough* I love that its pink!!!! Aack, thats the prettiest booster I’ve seen in a while. Look, my girl is ALL about being a princess, so the booster needs to look good. I also love that the covers are machine washable. Score!

  33. Love this super practical feature – High-quality coverings: all covers are removable and suitable for machine wash on cold

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