Why I am fat… again

Those words were quite hard to type. I can’t believe I am here again. Fat.

If this is something that you are not interested in, kindly move a long. The reason I am sharing this, is to hold myself accountable and to share my journey for those of you who find themselves feeling fat, ugly and hopeless. Perhaps this post will help you not feel quite so alone in your struggles.

I’ve struggled with my weight most of my life. I gained a lot of weight during and after my pregnancy and I finally really did something about in 2014 and I lost a lot of weight. Read about it HERE. I just reread that post myself and I still can’t really believe what I have done to myself.

I was happy, healthy, moderately fit and happy with the way I looked. Then…

In February 2015 I landed up in hospital and had to undergo spinal surgery. That meant that I was on my back for 8 weeks. It also meant that I was no longer allowed to run or do boot camp. I was also not allowed to pick up my child or vacuum the house. I am still not really supposed to be doing most of those things. My heart was broken.

And what do I do when my heart is sore? I eat. And today I have regained all of the weight I lost in 2014 and more!

Over the last year I have tried to lose weight many times. All unsuccessful. And every time something ‘bad’ happened, I would head to the fridge. This has to stop.

I want to be healthy. I want to live an active life. I want to be there for my child. I want to feel comfortable in my own body. And I want to look good!

Now, you are probably wondering how I’m going to do this?

I have been chosen as 1 of 30 contestants to take part in the Slender Challenge competition sponsored by Health Renewal.

The slender challenge

Slender Challenge 8 kicked off today.

We are following the Body Renewal Medical Weight Loss program and you can follow our 12 week weight loss journey HERE.

Wish me luck. I hope this is the last time I ever have to ask for that!


Health Renewal and Infusion Therapy

A couple of weeks ago I attended an extremely interesting presentation on Infusion Therapy… a bespoke treatment available from the Health Renewal Clinic.

‘Select your IV Infusion “cocktail” and get “infused” about life and living well!’


Are you constantly tired, listless or struggling with your weight? And no matter what supplements you take, what changes you make to your diet or your efforts to get more exercise, you still don’t feel better? Or maybe you have a skin condition that no lotions or potions have been able to improve?

It could be that you are treating the symptoms and not the cause. And you may not even be aware of the underlying cause of the ailment.

Many of us try to self medicate by taking a variety of supplements, but as I heard at the presentation… self medication is like having a play chemistry set and experimenting. There are a multitude of supplements out there and if you are not educated, how do you know what your body really needs? Or you may very well be taking the supplements that your body needs, but there may be other factors at play:

‘Nutrient absorption by oral supplementation is affected and limited by factors such as gastrointestinal absorption which can be affected by diseases such as gastritis, colitis, leaky gut syndrome, bacterial and/or fungal overgrowth and imbalance, stress and anxiety.’

This is why Infusion Therapy is so effective – the infusions bypass the gut and that means that all the nutrients that you receive via infusion, is absorbed by the body.

What makes this treatment so unique is the fact that every treatment is individually designed. One size does not fit all and the experts at the Health Renewal Clinic understand biological individuality and treat you as such; an individual.

Health Renewal’s aim is to improve quality of life and they believe that prevention is better than cure.

Health Renewal centres are located in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Sandton, Pretoria and KwaZulu Natal. They have a team of highly qualified medical doctors, experienced registered nurses and dedicated support staff who will be able to assist you on your road to better health. Health Renewal puts your health first.


Health Renewal is part of the Renewal Institute. Do yourself a favour and also visit Skin Renewal, Body Renewal and the most recent addition: Hair Renewal.