Confessions of a Snatcher shopaholic

These are the confessions of a shopaholic. A Snatcher shopaholic. I’ve been shopping on Snatcher for years and here’s why…

Confessions of a Snatcher shopaholic

Quite a few years ago my aunt asked my to buy her a water saving faucet adapter that she saw on the internet (she didn’t know how to shop online at the time). The link she sent me took me to At that stage I didn’t have a clue who or what Snatcher was. The site looked legit and I gave it a try… and a Snatcher shopaholic was born.

Snatcher Online is an online based retailer that strives to provide our customers with the best online shopping experience along with excellent customer service. We source various goods and make it available to the public at affordable prices.

I love a bargain. No, I mean I LOVE a bargain. That’s why Snatcher’s Daily Deals got me hooked years ago. At one stage I was checking the Daily Deals daily. I told you … shopaholic. I’ve got it down to a couple of days a week now. I’ve never felt guilty about shopping on Snatcher though as I’ve always found fantastic deals and bargains on the site.

Over the years I’ve bought a clothing rail, board games, garden gloves, outdoor sensor lights, blankets, mini silicone facial cleansers (only R69 at the moment!), water saving adapters, vacuum cleaner accessories, a laptop stand, cosmetic travel bags, hair removal tools, décor items, bathroom and kitchen storage, loads of gifts, fairy lights and more.

The amount of indoor, outdoor and bottle stopper fairy lights I’ve bought on Snatcher can light up a small town. I love lights. I also have a stash of Christmas lights ready for December. Why did I buy all of the lights on Snatcher when you can find lights basically anywhere? The price of course! All of my lights were bought on ‘special’ at ridiculously low prices. I’m a happy shopper.

I love that Snatcher has ‘normal, everyday’ products, but my favourites are all these weird and wonderful goods and gadgets that you won’t easily find anywhere else.

My most recent shop was a bit more useful than fun (mostly). We moved at the beginning of the month and I needed a few things for the new house. My budget was R500 (I went a teensy bit over). Look at what I got…

Happy Chef Kitchen Tongs @ R46.99. Tongs because if my husband uses a metal fork near my new frying pans again I may have to check if Snatcher sells headstones ;)


Easy Clean Shoe @ R109I’ve wanted one of these for the longest time, haha. Suction cups hold it in place in the shower and you can give your feet a good scrub with minimal effort. I like it.


2 × Multi-Functional Re-Usable Grip Tape @ R56.05 each. This weird looking tape is amazing. I bought a roll a few years ago and I haven’t been able to find it since. I’ve used it to hold down slippery rugs, mount (light) things on walls, etc. I bought two rolls because my aunt has been asking for more for the longest time. She used it to stick her licence plate to her car and swears that this tape is magic.


Blinds And Vents Duster @ R56.05. We’ve got blinds throughout and I’m hoping that this tool will make cleaning a little bit easier.


Wall Mounted Plastic Bag Dispenser @ R78.20 because space is limited.

What Do You MEME? Card Game @ R159 because game nights are awesome. We haven’t played it yet as I’m saving it for a specific game night, but after seeing it on Tiktok, I just had to get it.

I’m not really sure what more to say… I love Snatcher. The products are great, the prices are even greater, the site is super easy to navigate and delivery happens quickly and efficiently.

I’ve got loads of love for you, Snatcher!



Disclosure Ranking: 2, 4