How to Raise a Child of Character

“Good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent. Most talents are to some extent a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not given to us. We have to build it piece by piece—by thought, choice, courage and determination.”

We all want to raise children who will one day have ‘great character’ – an individual who cares for and about themselves as well as others.  Parenting obviously plays a huge role in the development of children’s character.

That last sentence puts so much pressure on you as a parent, doesn’t it?! Or am I the only mom constantly worried that I am failing my child?!

We all want our children to be compassionate, kind, patient, giving, loyal, honest, respectful … the list goes on. But how do you teach these values to your little one?

How to Raise a Child of Character

I discovered a list of 52 character building thoughts for children (By Leah Davies, M.Ed.) earlier today and I think it’s very useful. The quotes are aimed at teachers and the article gives tips on how to share these with their students. The list is aimed at older children, but I narrowed the list down to these 20 thoughts that I will be using to help my little girl develop these virtues.

Tips on How to Raise a Child of Character

 20 Character Building Thoughts for Children

  1. I treat others the way I want them to treat me.
  2. I am a good sport; I follow the rules, take turns and play fair.
  3. It is okay to laugh at funny things, but not to laugh at others.
  4. In order to have friends, I must act in a kind way.
  5. When I listen, I show others that I care about them.
  6. I try to understand what my friends are feeling.
  7. Sharing with others makes me feel good and makes them feel good too.
  8. I am being polite when I wait for my turn and say please and thank you.
  9. I encourage my friends to do their best.
  10. I am honest; I do not cheat or steal.
  11. When I am angry, I use self-control and do not hurt others.
  12. I am being creative when I dance, draw, paint or write a poem or story.
  13. I do not make fun of other children because I don’t know what their life is like.
  14. I feel successful when I do my best.
  15. Everyone has good and bad feelings.
  16. I take care of myself by eating healthy food, exercising and getting enough rest.
  17. Using manners helps me keep my friends.
  18. I have courage to stand up for children who are teased.
  19. I am me — I do not try to be like someone else.
  20. I care about living things on earth so I recycle and do not litter.

I would love to hear what you think.

Please share your thoughts on how to raise a child of character?
