Dust mite allergy: How to allergy proof your bedroom

I am basically allergic to everything that can’t kill you… dust, feathers, grass, cats… you name it. My dust mite allergy was particularly bad when I was a child. My poor mom worked her butt off as she was constantly vacuuming, dusting and washing bedding.

How to allergy proof your bedroom

Do you wake up in the morning sneezing and wheezing? You might be suffering from a dust mite allergy.

Dust mite allergy: How to allergy proof your bedroom

Microscopic dust mites are the primary cause of night-time allergies and even asthma. These critters thrive in your bed and pillows, where they feast off your dead skin flakes and pet dander.

That thought alone is enough to give you sleepless nights. If your dust mite allergy is keeping you from a good night’s sleep, the following tips will help you create an allergen-free environment.

  1. Wash your bedding regularly
    Your bedding needs to be washed often and preferably on a hot cycle. Sufferers of serious dust mite allergies need to wash their pillows, duvets and blankets regularly as well.
  2. Vacuum frequently
    Rugs, carpets and mattresses need to be vacuumed often as they are breeding grounds for dust mites. My mom vacuumed my bedroom every single day. It was such a hassle for her (love you mom!), but it made such a difference to the severity of my allergy symptoms..
  3. Curtains are a no-no
    Heavy (especially dry-clean-only) curtains are a haven for dust mites. If you need curtains in your bedroom, opt for light weight curtains that can be washed regularly. Or better yet, blinds that can be wiped down.
  4. Declutter your bedroom
    It’s best to keep knick-knacks to a minimum as clutter only gathers dust.
  5. Make your bedroom a pet-free zone
    This is a tip that I personally don’t follow as our fur kids sleep in our room. If your allergies are very serious though, you may want to consider keeping your pets out of your bedroom. Dust mites feed off pet dander (gross I know!) and sharing your bed with your pet can significantly exacerbate symptoms.
  6. Protect your bed
    The best defence against dust mite colonies from building up in your bed, is using quality mattress and pillow protectors. Covering your mattress with a dust-mite-proof mattress protector and encasing all pillows with dust-mite-proof pillow protectors is the ideal way to keep your bed clean and allergies at bay. We’re currently using Protect-A-Bed  mattress and pillow protectors and we no longer wake up with stuffy noses every morning. 

I hope these tips (thanks Protect-A-Bed!help you get a good night’s rest.


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