What did you have for breakfast this morning? Perhaps it’s time to reconsider your breakfast choice? I know I could make better choices. Join the Smart Nutrition revolution with me and upgrade your breakfast cereal to FUTURELIFE.
Have you tried FUTURELIFE? It is most definitely one of my favourites. It has also been my go-to breakfast meal during times of stress and illness – this is not just a cereal – it’s smart food.
Everything in life has changed, why hasn’t your breakfast?
In a world that is getting progressively smarter and better, making healthier food choices should be a no-brainer.
FUTURELIFE® Smart food™ is the result of a collaboration by a multi-disciplinary team of food scientists, doctors and dieticians to develop a product that offers complete nutrition. It provides an internationally recommended blend of energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats as well as 21 vitamins and minerals delivering 50% of one’s daily requirements for all vitamins and most minerals.
It also contains additional functional ingredients including fibre, inulin (prebiotic) and MODUCARE®, a daily immune supplement with internationally published clinical trials.
“We challenge South African families to change the way they see their breakfast cereal and to make the smart choice by choosing FUTURELIFE® which promises Smart Nutrition for Life.” says Karyn Hamilton, FUTURELIFE® Brand Manager.
#SmartNutrition #ChallengeAccepted #ChangetoFuturelife
Win a FUTURELIFE hamper
I have a great prize up for grabs today. You can win a hamper worth R250 which includes:
5 FUTURELIFE Smartfood products
Enter via the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win this amazing hamper.
Terms and Conditions:
- All entries will be verified.
- The giveaway is open to SA residents only.
- Giveaway entrants are not obligated to like any Facebook pages, but it would be appreciated.
- The sponsor will send the prize to the winner directly.
Good luck!
Disclosure Ranking: 3
Yoghurt and fruit smoothie
I really enjoy having future life for breakfast
muesli with yoghurt
VETKOEK & MINCE….bad bad bad.
But that sounds so good ;) Good luck for the giveaway!
Future life is the best
It’s my daily morning fix breakfast yummy & healthy too
Good luck for the giveaway!
I had two crumpets with black coffee
Yum! Good luck for the giveaway.
Good luck for the giveaway!
Avo on toast!
A favourite of mine! Good luck for the giveaway!
Future life shake is my on the go breakfast every day while travelling to work
Good luck for the giveaway.
Love Futurelife and with a teenager in the house – it’s the perfect breakfast or lunch as it’s super easy to prepare (for himself)!
Good luck for the giveaway!
nothing. always rushing !
I feel you! Good luck for the giveaway!
I had Pronutro this morning
A fave here too. Good luck for the giveaway!
Nothing, I’ve run out of my FutureLife Smart Oats :(
Fingers crossed for you then ;)
It’s a firm family favorite. Original for my son, husband and I, while my daughter has chocolate.
Good luck for the giveaway!
Milo Cereal
Nice! Good luck for the giveaway.
#FutureLife Would be nice to try something new #PrettyPleaseCharlie
Good luck for the giveaway!
Such a great competition.
Keeping fingers crossed
I eat Future Life every morning!
Fingers crossed for the giveaway!
Bovril toast
Good luck for the giveaway.
l have coffee with 2 slices of peanut buttered hard toast.
That is one of my favourites! Good luck for the giveaway.
Good luck for the giveaway.
I had oats for breakfast!
Good luck for the giveaway!
Coffee :(
I had weet-bix for breakfast
A staple in our home :) Good luck for the giveaway!
This morning I had oats.
Yum! Good luck for the giveaway!
I’m a diabetic, so I’m limited with carbohydrates as they turn into sugar, FutureLife is an aid to managing my diabetes plus it tastes great too. There is something for the whole family’s tastes, I usually have have the Zero or Zero oats, my family likes the Original or Chocolate, the all bran with probiotics is great too, always have a box of each variety on hand. It makes being unhealthy hard, as its so easy to mix up. Not excuses for that bag of chips, it great in a smoothie too, you can add toasted almonds or coconut or pomegranate rubies or there is a ton of recipes on their site to change it up. I’m a huge fan and would greatly appreciate this hamper.
I agree; FutureLife is awesome in a smoothie. Good luck for the giveaway!
FutureLife has been my go to breakfast for a few years now, I’m a diabetic, so I’m limited with carbohydrates as they turn into sugar, FutureLife is an aid to managing my diabetes plus it tastes great too. There is something for the whole family’s tastes, I usually have have the Zero or Zero oats, my family likes the Original or Chocolate, the all bran with probiotics is great too, always have a box of each variety on hand. It makes being unhealthy hard, as its so easy to mix up. Not excuses for that bag of chips, it great in a smoothie too, you can add toasted almonds or coconut or pomegranate rubies or there is a ton of recipes on their site to change it up. I’m a huge fan and would greatly appreciate this hamper.
This morning I had muesli and yoghurt for breakfast
Love that combo. Good luck for the giveaway!
Future life keeps me going like clock work in the morning. Its filling and gives me the energy I need.
It is great stuff. Good luck for the giveaway!
FutureLife is my favorite breakfast cereal, it’s so versatile, quick to prepare, tastes great and best of all GLUTEN FREE!!!
I agree. Good luck for the giveaway!
FutureLife is my favorite breakfast cereal, it’s so versatile, quick to prepare, tastes great and best of all GLUTEN FREE!!!
Good luck for the giveaway!
l love love Future life. Hoping to win this awesome hamper.
Good luck for the giveaway!
This morning I had a bowl of Jungle Oats Bran.
Nice. Good luck for the giveaway!
I had a FUTURELIFE smoothie at work.. It’s always easier for me, as the mornings are very rushed, and I leave for work quite early.
Great for on the go. Good luck for the giveaway!
We are a very active family and my boys age 7 and 14 love future life, helps me as a mom as well no stressing abt in between meals

Good luck for the giveaway!
I would love to win!
Good luck for the giveaway!
Hi! I had an egg and rasher of bacon, a holiday breakfast!
I’m jealous :) Good luck for the giveaway!
A bowl of Future Life cereal
Well done :) Good luck for the giveaway!
I had a bowl of Futurelife :)
Nice! Good luck for the giveaway!
I had yoghurt, fruit and muesli
Sounds so good. Good luck for the giveaway!
I had 2 slices of plain buttered toast
Good luck for the giveaway!
I’m on leave with the kiddies so I will had bacon and eggs
I had a massive bowl of Futurelife this morning – kept me full and feeling great until lunchtime.
I love how versatile it is, you can have it by itself, baked, smoothies, hot, cold, with milk, water!
So many options!
Good luck for the giveaway!
FUTURELIFE Smart food this morning as a cereal and my Type1 Diabetic son drinks it as a shake every morning. My son and I love the chocolate flavour and it’s the perfect way to start the day.
Today I ate eggs for breakfast. When I am in a rush though it would really help to have a quick easy breakfast like Futurelife! Hope I win so I can experience it
Future life cereal
Nice one ;) Good luck for the giveaway!
This morning I ran late and only had breakfast at 12.30
Good luck for the giveaway!