Trichotin Hair Regenesis Review & Hair Loss Update

I told you about my extreme hair loss in Feb and I promised you an update, well…


I’m actually scared to say those words out load because I don’t want to jinx it. Losing your hair is pretty damn devastating. I can’t even imagine how ladies who lose all their hair must feel!

From my previous post you will know that I take a hand full of supplements every day. I never used to believe in supplements. I would religiously take supplements for a couple of months and then give up as I felt that it didn’t make a difference to my health. This experience has changed my mind completely. Pop those vitamins people!

What has happened since my extreme hair loss post?

My hair has stopped falling out! Or at least it’s back to how it used to be and only a ‘normal’ amount is left in the shower after a wash and detangle.

My hair is still breaking, but it seems that it is only the long hair that’s breaking off. They are basically just catching up with the rest. The way the GP explained it to me: when I went through an extremely traumatic experience last year, my hair probably weakened at the root and with time, my hair started to break off at that point. That is also why the long hair that I have left, is dry and brittle at the ends. Why not just cut it all off you ask? Hell no! I have curly hair and short does not suit me. I would love to get rid of the ‘dead’ hair, but not yet. Perhaps when winter is here and I can use headbands and beanies to hide it.

The rest of my hair is soft and shiny!!! My stylist at Tosca confirmed last week that my hair is healthier and stronger and that I will have my natural curl back shortly.

My hair is also so much thicker at the root. You can hardly see my scalp anymore! Here you can see the new hair…

Trichotin Hair Regenesis Review & Hair Loss Update


Trichotin Hair Regenesis Review

Trichotin Hair Regenesis Review

Even though all the supplements I am on and all the products I am using have helped to get me here, I am convinced that Trichotin Hair Regenesis has played a pivotal role.

Find my introduction to Trichotin over HERE.

How can I be sure that Trichotin has had any impact at all? How do I know that this supplement has made a difference if I pop a handful of pills every day?

Well, I have evidence!

All the other supplements should help my hair get back to the state it was before the hair loss. You agree?!

But I have noticed changes that no vitamin and mineral supplements have ever brought about before.

My hair line has changed. A couple of weeks a go I looked at myself in the mirror and my forehead actually looked smaller. Haha. I realised that the hair at my hair line seemed denser than before the hair loss. I’ve also never had a straight hair line. It used to resemble a widows peak. Hair is growing where it didn’t before …

Trichotin Hair Regenesis Review & Hair Loss Update2

I also used to have two small bald patches on either side of my head. I’ve had it since birth and we think it had to do with the emergency c-section my mom had. Hair is growing on the one patch. For the first time in 39 years!

Trichotin Hair Regenesis Review & Hair Loss Update3

And the patch on the other side?

I can’t find it!! The bald patch is bald no more.

If this doesn’t convince you that Trichotin works, I don’t know what will.

I will not stop using this miracle pill any time soon. And I will give you an update again in another 3 months time.

For now, know that Trichotin Hair Regenesis WORKS! Promise. If you want to try it yourself, you can pop over to Fusion Labs’ website to buy it online or find a stockist near you.

I am over the moon.



21 Replies to “Trichotin Hair Regenesis Review & Hair Loss Update”

  1. Hi there xx

    I’m experiencing drastic hairloss from weight-loss, and I’m still on my weight-loss journey. Will trichotin help with this. I’m looking for my hair to grow thicker as well as for it to stop falling.

    1. Hi Margaret. Apologies for only replying now! Well done on you weight loss!! I would love to know what you are doing. It’s a struggle on my side. Hair loss is so tricky. I am losing my hair at the moment, but it is due to stress. I am not an expert, so I can’t guarantee anything, but Trichotin did help me when I experienced hair loss after drastic weight loss in the past. xx

    1. Hi Jeannine. Apologies for not answering you sooner. Yes! I love this supplement! Budget is not on my side right now, but if it was, I would most definitely start using it again. It works!

    1. Hi Rekha. I could see results after only a few weeks. Which came as a total surprise as supplements usually take a long time (of consistent use) to show real results. Please let me know if you give it a try! x

  2. Hi there

    So glad you found something that works, how long was it before you noticed that your hair stopped falling out and the growth.

    Thank you kindly.

    1. Hi Nadine. I apologise for only replying now! I also used iron and Vit B12 supplements as blood tests showed I needed to increase my vit intake. I hope this helps!

  3. Hi there can you tell me if one stops using this product, does your hair start falling out again? Like all other hairgrow products? They all seem to go back to hair falling out once you stop treatment..
    will be interesting to hear if this product is different . I await your reply .
    Thank you

    1. Hi Nichola. Please accept my humblest apologies! I have no idea how I missed your question. No, my hair did not start falling out again :)

  4. Hi, I am currently using Trichotin as I was experiencing major hairloss after going off Birth Control. I then restarted Birth Control….which I never should have. After starting Trichotin the hairloss was definitely less, my hair is growing, and defiantly thicker. What I would like to know and if anyone has experienced this, if I decide to go off of Birth Contol again, and I carry on with Trichotin, will I experience major hairloss again or will it just be a mild case.. I am terrified to go through what I went through. I have been back on birth control for 6 months now.

  5. It sounds good and convincing,
    I started this treatment on the 14 May 2017, 3days ago and hoping to see results soon

  6. YAY! I am so happy that Trichotin is working for you as well! Trichotin honestly is life changing – I have noticed such amazing results since I started taking the supplement! Can’t wait for an update!

    1. Thank you Chereen! I am so impressed. I didn’t think that it would make such a huge difference. Over the moon!!

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