Win with The Lunchbox – snack packs for a whole month!

It’s back to school for Cara tomorrow and that means that I still have to go do snack shopping after work today. I completely forgot over the weekend! Are you in the same boat? Well, The Lunchbox can come to your rescue.

The lunchbox

Being a parent in this day and age is already stressful enough. What with having to keep up with the Pinterest parents’ fancy healthy rainbow sandwiches, and don’t even mention the social media judgement! If all moms had the time, we could all be that domestic goddess!

Thankfully The Lunchbox has come to rescue us from our mediocrity. With 21 pre-packed snack packs, it now takes mom (or dad) literally 45 seconds in the morning to prep two kids’ lunches for the day.

This means, if you want to, I can use that extra time to catch up on sleep, try a new hairstyle on your daughter’s waist-length hair, expand on the usual peanut butter sarmies, or make sure that the kids actually brush each and every tooth!

Each pack consists of three food items and one drink. Valued at under R33 per pack, this is also a huge saving, both on your pocket and time. Gone are the days of rushing around on a Sunday night, or waking up in a panic on Thursday morning when you realise that all the fruit bars are gone.

The Lunchbox recommends keeping a few packs in the car for the inevitable moans of hunger during the afternoon school runs. It’s said you have to pay for convenience, but with no delivery fee, it will feel as though you reaping all the benefits.

To order your pack, or find out more, visit

Win with The Lunchbox – snack packs for a whole month! 

lunch box

How awesome does that sound? No shopping, prepping or packing. Snack packs are ready to pop in the school bag and you have a whole month with one less worry.

Enter via the Rafflecopter below and you can win 21 pre-packed snack packs, each containing 3 packed food products + a beverage, worth R688.

Terms and Conditions:

  • All entries will be verified.
  • The giveaway is open to SA residents only.
  • Giveaway entrants are not obligated to like any Facebook pages, but it would be appreciated.
  • The Sponsor will send the prize to the winner directly.

Good luck!


KidsBookClub Review

I am so grateful that our little girl loves books. Honestly, mom and dad don’t set the best example here. Over the last couple of years there just hasn’t really been time to curl up with a good book (and when I try, I end up falling asleep after a page or two).

Kids Book Club subscription service review

I really enjoy reading with Cara though and I love the look on her face when we read a new book. You can only imagine her excitement when our first

KidsBookClub delivery arrived!

KidsBookClub Review

Kids Book Club

KidsBookClub is a subscription service which caters for kids aged 0-9 years old. Your child will receive 2 age appropriate educational, activity & reading books delivered to your door every month for R145pm (incl. delivery). You also receive a themed carry bag and 2 to 3 magazines for mom and dad for free (which is a nice bonus as I don’t buy magazines).

Other perks:
• You can easily manage your Book Clubs online.
• You can add additional Book Clubs at discounted rates for a 2nd or 3rd child.
• You get access to over 20 free activity & colouring work sheets.
• Your subscription is commitment free (it automatically renews each month but you can cancel anytime).

This month Cara received a story book and an educational sticker book. There was a little bonus book with the sticker book and Floating Bananas goes wherever Cara goes.

For me, KidsBookClub is a mom no-brainer – I know that the books are handpicked and suitable for Cara and it gets delivered at our door. Prefect. One less thing for me to worry about as I know my little bookworm is taken care of.

For more info you can visit their website HERE.

Happy reading!
