Win a FUTURELIFE hamper

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Perhaps it’s time to reconsider your breakfast choice? I know I could make better choices. Join the Smart Nutrition revolution with me and upgrade your breakfast cereal to FUTURELIFE.

Win a FUTURELIFE hamper

Have you tried FUTURELIFE? It is most definitely one of my favourites. It has also been my go-to breakfast meal during times of stress and illness – this is not just a cereal – it’s smart food.

Everything in life has changed, why hasn’t your breakfast?


In a world that is getting progressively smarter and better, making healthier food choices should be a no-brainer.

FUTURELIFE® Smart food™ is the result of a collaboration by a multi-disciplinary team of food scientists, doctors and dieticians to develop a product that offers complete nutrition. It provides an internationally recommended blend of energy from carbohydrates, proteins and fats as well as 21 vitamins and minerals delivering 50% of one’s daily requirements for all vitamins and most minerals.

It also contains additional functional ingredients including fibre, inulin (prebiotic) and MODUCARE®, a daily immune supplement with internationally published clinical trials.

“We challenge South African families to change the way they see their breakfast cereal and to make the smart choice by choosing FUTURELIFE® which promises Smart Nutrition for Life.” says Karyn Hamilton, FUTURELIFE® Brand Manager.

#SmartNutrition #ChallengeAccepted #ChangetoFuturelife

Win a FUTURELIFE hamper

I have a great prize up for grabs today. You can win a hamper worth R250 which includes:

5 FUTURELIFE Smartfood products



Win a FUTURELIFE hamper

Enter via the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win this amazing hamper.

Terms and Conditions:

  • All entries will be verified.
  • The giveaway is open to SA residents only.
  • Giveaway entrants are not obligated to like any Facebook pages, but it would be appreciated.
  • The sponsor will send the prize to the winner directly.

Good luck!


Disclosure Ranking: 3

Win 1 of 3 brand spanking new car batteries from Battery Centre

Ever been stranded because your car battery decided to die on you at the most inopportune moment? I think that’s happened to a lot of us. Don’t take a chance – pop into a Battery Centre and have your battery tested. For free!

Keep your battery in top condition with a free test from the battery experts

The school holidays are around the corner and the last thing you want is to get stranded on your road trip. This can so easily be avoided. Battery Centre offers free battery testing and it takes only 5 minutes.

My husband and I popped into Battery Centre on Saturday for a free test. It really only took a few minutes. I’m so glad we did, as our battery was on its way out. A battery that’s about to fail often doesn’t give you much warning, so testing it by battery experts is most definitely the way to go.

Our battery specialists will check your battery and alternator function; we’ll then provide you with the results and expert advice. And to make sure you can get back on the road in no time, if you do need a new battery, we can provide you with the manufacturer-recommended battery for your vehicle. –

We are going on a camping trip in December and a flat battery would have put a huge damper on our holiday. I’ve been been stuck on the side of the road because of a dead battery before and it was not fun. And that was with my mom, gran and a screaming toddler in the car. Not my best moment. Lesson learned.

We opted to replace our battery with a brand spanking new Raylite battery. The guys at Battery Centre were super friendly and efficient and the whole process took about 20 minutes. Super impressive.

Make sure you don’t get stuck over the Festive Season and visit one of the 150 Battery Centre branches nationwide for a free battery check.

Win 1 of 3 brand spanking new car batteries from Battery Centre

Battery Centre

I’ve got an amazing giveaway for you today. You stand a chance to win a voucher for a brand new Raylite battery fitted by Battery Centre. Enter via the Rafflecopter below and keep your fingers crossed.

Terms and Conditions:

  • All entries will be verified.
  • The giveaway is open to SA residents only.
  • Giveaway entrants are not obligated to like any Facebook pages, but it would be appreciated.

Good luck and safe travels.


Disclosure Ranking: 3