This morning was the last session of my 3rd ABC camp. I’ve posted about ABC before HERE. You know what’s weird… I was sad. I am doing the next camp as well, but we have a week-long break in between. Who the hell is sad about a week off? If you have done ABC and are part of an amazing group like I am, you would be too.
I have completely fallen in love with ABC. Yes, I moan and groan about all the running, and it hasn’t always been fun getting up to be at camp at 5:30, but it is all so worth it. I haven’t really lost weight (own fault – no amount of exercise is going to help if I still eat the wrong foods and copious amounts of it), but I am stronger and fitter and I feel great!
My trainer and group is amazing. The support, laughs and the experience of sharing our journeys have made ABC a winner in my books. I wouldn’t have made it this far without these wonderful women!
Thank you to ABC for giving me the opportunity to train and work towards a healthier and fitter me.
Next camp starts on 22 September and I highly recommend that you sign up… you won’t be sorry!!
Disclaimer: This camp was sponsored by ABC, but it has in no way altered my view of this exercise program.