We recently discovered the most awesome headphones in the world! There is only one huge flaw… they only make them for kids. I would love a pair of Snuggly Rascals for myself too. Here’s why…
They are freakin’ awesome!
Snuggly Rascals are super cute headphones for kids. Cara LOVES her unicorn headphones.
But let’s not only judge these headphones on their looks (it’s hard I know!). These headphones are super comfortable. The headband is made from soft fleece fabric that’s machine washable and adjustable thanks to the velcro tab. The speakers can easily be removed from the headband but the long cord can also be tucked away inside the headband.
The speakers are only 4mm thick, padded for extra comfort and volume controlled. Snuggly Rascals headphones connect to the majority of audio devices, tablets as well as computers utilising a standard 3.5mm audio jack connection.
Snuggly Rascals can be used anywhere; at home, in the car, or even on long flights. The volume limited speakers mean parents can rest easy while those little rascals sit down to a movie, watch a cartoon, or listen to music in their own little world of snuggly bliss.
Snuggly Rascals headphones are available at www.4akid.co.za for R249.
Win an awesome pair of Snuggly Rascals headphones! CLOSED
There are 5 other snuggly characters to choose from. Pop on over to 4akid over HERE to have a look. Which snuggly character will you choose?
Tell me in the comments below and you can win a pair! Extra entries for Facebook and Twitter shares – make sure to leave a separate comment for each telling me where you’ve shared the giveaway. Please make sure to leave your Twitter handle and/or Facebook name for verification purposes. Max of 3 entries per person. Giveaway is open to SA residents only. Winner will be announced on 6 July ’18.
Good luck!
Shared on @hellobabies_za and Facebook @antheasprojectlife
My daughter would love the unicorn or the kitty earphones!
Shared on Twitter. Dheshc
Shared on FB. Dhesh Chetty
Shared on Facebook (Adelè Strydom)
My daughter would just LOVE the unicorn one.
Owl shared on Twitter @deserise
Owl shared on Facebook @deserisecocklinviljoen
My daughter will love the Unicorn Headphones
My daughter Rouxlé would love to win this and we would love it if she uses it

Alexia, 6 years old, would love the Unicorn!!!
My daughter would love the penguin headphones.
My daughter would love the unicorn one.
Snuggly Rascals Headphones – PENGUIN
Shared on Twitter – @tarynvdlinde92
(Please delete any duplicate entries. I cannot find my other entries to edit and delete it)
Snuggly Rascals Headphones – PENGUIN
Shared on Google+
Snuggly Rascals Headphones – PENGUIN
Shared on Twitter.
Snuggly Rascals Headphones – PENGUIN
Shared on Facebook
Love the Snuggly Rascals Headphones – KITTY,,,,,But my heart loves THE PENGUIN………fingers crossed
The Kitty one for my daughter please
I shared from facebook.
Unicorn love it ,shared on Facebook
Unicorn please shared on fb
Unicorn facebook
Unicorn would be awesome
Shared on whatsapp #HoldingThumbs
Shared on facebook #HoldingThumbs
Shared on twitter
Monster please #HoldingThumbs #PickMe #PrettyPlesseCharlie
My daughter would love a unicorn pair, she loves unicorns.
Shared on Facebook @Roxanne Hunt
Would love the unicorn ones for my almost 5 year old. Just in time for her birthday in two weeks
Kitty please prerry please

Also shared on Twitter, Ginette Potgieter (@Ninnybin)
Now holding thumbs!!!!
Shared on Facebook, Ginette Potgieter
Gosh it’s hard as I have a son and a daughter…
For my son: Monster
For my daughter: Unicorn
I obviously can’t pick which child deserves more so I’d take either of those…
Unicorns one please
shared on twitter @Juvenilejuju
shared on Facebook Nthabiseng Juju Motlhala
My daughter recently received a pair of headphones for her birthday and my son was devastated, I promised him I would get him a pair for Christmas :( winning this would be soooooo awesome and would make me the best mom in the world as well. The green monster ones look so great and would suit him perfectly…my little monster that one
Shared on Twitter @MARKNAIDOO1
I wana win for my daughter, she has once again done so well in school, she deserves a present for all she has achieved. #DaddysGirl
Shared on Facebook Sofiah Motala
Green monster for my son
Shared on Facebook Irfaan Adam
love the panda
Shared on Facebook
Shared on Facebook
Definitely the unicorn one
Love the Snuggly Rascals Headphones – KITTY
Shared on FB Naina Orrie Sheikh
Shared on Twitter Flubby_Snookums
Shared on twitter – @BethNaidoo
Shared on FB – BethNaidoo
Green monster so cute.
Shared on Facebook.. Tertia Burns
Shared on Twitter @TertiaBurns
The Kitty is my favourite.
I would love to win the Kitty for my daughter please.
Shared on Facebook
My daughter would love the unicorn one
My boy would be over the moon if he got the moster headphones. He loves music so much, so this would definitely be one of the most amazing gifts for him.
The panda shared on fb
i like the unicorn one for my girl
I love the monster one for my boy! Awesome giveaway and find :)
Unicorn fb
Unicorn. Fb
green monster for my baby boy
I would take the monster 1. My kid loves those green goblins
Would love the unicorn Facebook
Love the.kitty
Shared on Twitter @SuzetteViviers1
Shared on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/suzette.viviers.58
My grandson will love the green monster!
Shared on fb.
Love the Monster one for my boy!
The UNICORN is so cute….such a clever idea :)
My son would love the monster ones. Liked and shared
The panda. Shared on Twitter @b_balutto
Unicorn for Princess Leah FB @twitter @bflucky
Shared on Twitter. Twitter handle @Lauren04Gray Holding thumbs:)
Shared on Facebook – FB name Lauren Michelle Gray
Would love to win a Monster set of Snuggly Rascal headphones! They look awesome!!
Facebook at Terrilee Ferreira
Love the green monster
Twitter at TerrileeF
Love the green monster
Liked and shared on Facebook. The unicorn is just to cute.
My daughter would love it.
How do you choose? If i have to pick only one the penguin would be the winner

Facebook: ita oberholzer
Sharing on Facebook Eve Mackay
The unicorn Is the one ♡
Shared on Twitter @Lynn_19426
Shared on Facebook Carolyn Augustus
I’d choose these owl
Definitely the Unicorn #magical – sharing on FB & Twitter
I also love the unicorn one shared on Facebook as Nthabiseng Juju motlhala and twitter as @juvenilejuju
Shared on Facebook under Glynis Phillips.
I would choose the Penquin Snuggly Rascals. My son and I love Penquins.
I also love the unicorn one
Shared on Facebook (Nthabiseng juju motlhala and twitter (@juvenilejuju)
I also love the unicorn one
Shared on Facebook (Nthabiseng juju motlhala and twitter (@juvenilejuju)
Oh our unicorn music obsessed daughter would love a pair of Unicorn snuggly rascals
My son would love the penguin one
I would choose the UNICORN! Facebook: Tania Brewis, Twitter: @BrewisTania
Shared on Twitter… LGoliath1
We choose the MONSTER SNUGGLY… My son loves playing monster and he’s favorite colour is green!!!
Shared on Facebook :) Liezel Wakens
I think my niece will die for a unicorn one like Cara has.
Definitely the unicorn, my daughter loves unicorns.