Dermaceutic Milk Peel review

About two weeks ago I got the opportunity to go for a Dermaceutic Milk Peel at the lovely Solace Therapy in Cape Town. Now, if someone offers me a peel to try, I’m going to jump at the chance. I LOVE peels.

About the Dermaceutic Milk Peel:

Milk Peel Treatment is a clinically-tested chemical peel system that targets dull skin, fine lines, folliculitis, and complexion irregularities. This superficial medical-grade peel restores luminosity, boosts collagen production, and leaves patients with a natural, more even complexion. Thanks to its gentle formulation and an in-clinic protocol designed to leave patients with minimal downtime, Milk Peel treatment is a progressive alternative to laser treatments and highly concentrated peels. Suitable for all skin types and phototypes, Milk Peel is an ideal “maintenance treatment” for any time of year.


The active ingredients in Milk Peel Treatment are glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and lactic acid. The specific formulation of these fruit acids exfoliates and dekeratinizes the skin and dissolves excess oil.

Glycolic acid – removes impurities and dead cells; the small glycolic molecule easily penetrates the epidermis, and its acidic pH accelerates exfoliation by destroying the links that bind dead cells together.

Salicylic acid – causes a chemical reaction that reduces intercorneocyte cohesion, and destroys lipids that bind the outer cells of the epidermis.

Lactic acid – is a humectant, which draws moisture into the skin, and removes pigment by inhibiting tyrosinase.

Now that you know how it works and what it does, here are my thoughts:

The procedure was quick and simple. My skin was cleansed, the peel was applied, and again removed after only a couple of minutes and a serum was applied. You can really have this done in your lunch time… and still have time for lunch. The peel did sting, but it was not unbearable. I kinda liked it; it means something was happening. When I got up to look in the mirror, I was really surprised. My skin looked better than it did when I walked in, with make-up on my face. A-FreakingMazing! My skin was glowing. Before my wedding I went for regular peels and my skin looked great but only after a couple days. There was a lot of peeling. With the Milk Peel I experienced none of that. My skin was silky smooth and bright. I love the results. And my skin still looks great almost two weeks later.

Highly recommended!!

RRP: R450 (depending on where you have it done and whether you have additional treatments added to the peel or not). It is recommended that you initially have a course of four peels, done at two week intervals, and then once a month as maintenance.

Contact Conquest to find a salon near you.



*Disclaimer: This treatment was supplied for review purposes. I have not received compensation for this post and the opinions on the treatment/products are my own.

Crystal Tomato – skin brightening and beauty from within

A pill for pigmentation? What?! That was my reaction when I first heard about this supplement. I’ve heard of peels, lotions and potions to treat pigmentation, but this is new to me. So I did a little digging.


Crystal Tomato® is a revolutionary one-a-day oral health supplement made from 100% natural ingredients to help you achieve even toned and healthier skin from within.


The active ingredient in Crystal Tomato is colourless carotenoids which is found in an unique breed of non-genetically modified white tomatoes. This natural extract has no side effects, is as safe to consume as a tomato and is suitable for vegetarians. The only individuals who can’t use these supplements are those with a tomato allergy. L-Cysteine, an amino acid, is also included in the formulation and this boosts the liver’s production of Glutathione, which is said to be the body’s ‘master anti-oxidant’.

This supplement has a myriad of benefits but what stood out for me is the fact that it reduces melanin already present in cells, it inhibits melanin synthesis to prevent pigmentation spots from forming and it serves as a natural sunscreen against UVA and UVB rays. So basically it will help reduce pigmentation spots already present, prevent future pigmentation spots from forming and it protects against UV damage and sunburn.

This sounds like a wonderful innovation and may just be the answer for those who suffer from severe pigmentation.

Contact Conquest for more details, pricing and stockists.